Carnal Identity

Column A Thinking

 (Physical realm orientation)

Spiritual Identity

Column B Thinking

 (Supernatural realm orientation)


How is Truth defined and found?

Truth is inferred from knowledge that is gained by observations of an object


Truth is disclosed by the originator



ÒTruthÓ is relative in that it is subjective and can be different for different observers because of Òbaked-inÓ biases; Truth can change over time and circumstances


Truth is absolute in that it is objective and not dependent on personal individual interpretation or observation, and does not vary with time and circumstance



Something is ÒgoodÓ if it favors me

Something is ÒgoodÓ based on the quality of the originator





What do we TRUST enough to act on it?

We prefer to trust and act on physically observable evidence.


We prefer to trust and act on the unseen evidence of faith.


De-emphasizes the importance of gnosis and prefers to trust eido; even though gnosis guides how inferences are made and decides which data to trust


Emphasizes the importance of gnosis over eido


Faith is a weakness.

Faith is indispensable because gnosis guides how inferences are made and decides which data to trust [Eido vs gnosis ˆ Truth is not relative, but absolute ˆ our identity makes us view reality through flawed filters ˆ WHO you trust is paramount (faith)]



Tend to make decisions that are practical (short-term expedient)

Tend to make decisions that are principled (long-term big-picture beneficial)




What is REAL?

Something is real if it is physically observable and is TRUE (not counterfeit and not a lie


Something is real if it is always true regardless of time and circumstance (eternal)



Only physical observable objects exist; abstract objects are not real


Finite physical objects that exist and are true point to (represent) real eternal objects





How do our soul needs get satisfied? (Some examples of soul needs: Purpose, Joy, Hope, Freedom, Esteem, Sense of Belonging)

We satisfy our soul needs by gaining what we desire through a system of equitable exchange


Our soulÕs needs are bestowed (apart from what we deserve) by someone who has the power and desire to give us what we need.




Needs of the body receive highest priority


Soul gets satisfied best by spiritual things (bestowed), and earned (by our efforts) satisfaction by the physical is idolatry



Laws exist to make the system of equitable exchange ÒfairÓ and predictable

Laws exist to show us how to be successful





How are we justifiedÑmade right and legitimate?

Acceptance by others (or even a supernatural power) by complying to the standard through our efforts


Supernatural power bestows it on us based on the goodness of the supernatural power, and not on our own efforts to comply to the standard