
Key Thought for this session:

“The outcome of my life fits my priorities.”

I still find it interesting to consider all the ways in which our worldview really DOES affect the way we think about ourselves and what we do with that.

Which brings us to “esteem”. This view a person has of themselves receives a lot of attention. Generally, while purpose focuses on meaning and significance, a person’s esteem is about feeling valued and is equated to how much someone feels special, unique, loved and approved. Column 1 represents the need for respect and the belief that your self-esteem is based on how favorably people view you, usually based on what you contribute to others. If you feel your value or importance is the price or sacrifices you make for others, then you would have a Column 1 esteem. This is often called performance based esteem and appeals to our need to be respected by others. Column 2 is a different view of self-esteem. This view is called identity based esteem and is a belief that your self-worth and approval is determined by who you are, not what you do. You feel valued because someone important values you; and this is independent of what you have personally accomplished or of the mistakes you have made. If you feel your esteem is based on the value YOU HAVE because of someone else’s accomplishments or status, then you would have column 2 esteem. Take a moment and think about what makes you feel important and approved. Column 1 performance-based esteem often varies across time and is based partly on who you are currently interacting with, like at work or at home or with friends. Column 2 identity based esteem is more stable and does not depend on your situation or vary across time. After you pick column 1 or Column 2, then provide a score that reflects what your current level of self-esteem is based on how worthy or important you feel.